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Speaker Rendon, Arts Council Chair Oppose Cuts to National Endowment for the Arts

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO — Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) and California Arts Council Chair Donn Harris have written to the chair of the National Endowment for the Arts to oppose any potential cuts to the program, which this year provided about $9 million for California arts programs.

“California knows the value of NEA grants and feels their impact, in places urban and rural, from the ocean to the mountains, and from our southern border to our northern counties,” Rendon and Harris wrote to NEA chair Jane Chu, expressing support for continuing the grants program.

They expressed concern for the potential loss of funds, particularly as it would affect young people and struggling communities, and noted that the small amount the federal government spends on arts has a great impact.

“These grants have outsized impacts. Local matches and economic multipliers make these funds influential in our communities, not only artistically, but economically,” they wrote.

Read the full letter here:  NEA Letter for Chairwoman Jane Chu.pdf