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Speaker-Elect Rendon Statement on CSU Faculty Contract Dispute

For immediate release:

Rendon urges a quick resolution to the CSU contract dispute that provides educators the resources and incentives they need to help students succeed.

SACRAMENTO – Assembly Speaker-Elect Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) today issued the following statement on the ongoing contract dispute between the California State University and its faculty:

"It was during my time at Cal State Fullerton when I blossomed as a learner, setting me on a path to eventually pursue and earn a Ph.D., work for two decades as a nonprofit director and now serve as a legislator. It goes without saying the CSU system has a special place in my heart.

"That’s why it pains me to see the situation of CSU’s hard working faculty members, especially as a former CSU lecturer myself. There’s something fundamentally unfair about university executives receiving regular pay raises while educators, the ones doing the work of enriching the minds of students, are left behind.

"It is my sincerest hope that CSU leadership and faculty quickly come to a resolution that provides educators the resources and incentives they need to help students succeed."

Rendon is serving in his second term representing the 63rd Assembly District, which includes the cities and communities of Bell, Cudahy, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, North Long Beach, Lynwood, Maywood, Paramount, and South Gate.

CONTACT: Kevin Liao, Office: (916) 319-2063, Cell: (408) 667-5650